You die, I cry.
Tears come and come.
Why you? Why me?
When you left, My heart
left too.
I hold you while you
take your last breath.
What can I do?
What can I say?
Don't leave! Please don't!
Please don't leave me here cold
alone, and abandoned!
Grief stabs me again
and again. I feel it come
in waves. It hits harder
each time.
I don't know what to do!
My breath comes in gasps!
My heart seems to stop.
I feel as if I am dying too.
Tears and words can't
explain how I feel inside.
Oh, Oh, How I want to scream
in anguish!
I collapse beside your body.
Grief slams again and again.
The air suddenly becomes too hot and thick.
I can't breathe!
My heart stops!
No stay awake! Please!
I want to scream.
Not a sound made.
I turn away.
I can't stand to see you anymore.
Memories hit me now.
I remember you running,
playing, and it seems you laughed.
Grief tears at me.
You leave with a smile. Why?
Grief, Grief, Grief
Dedication: To Beauty, Sam, Bugger Bear, Spooky, and To my friends family.
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