Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I Need

I Need

I was 1.
I was hurt.
I was scared
and battered.
I was sad,
angry, embarrassed,
jealous, bruised,
blind in the heart and
I had mixed feelings.
I shouted to myself
“Why me?””Why?”
“Does anyone know me?
Or at least love me?”
I got older and still had these feelings.
When I was 5 I thought
“Am I the problem? Did
I do something bad?
Am I stupid, and dumb?”
As I longed for boys,
make-up, beauty, fashion,
and popularity. What I
was looking for was.......
“Love and care.”
Oh how I
longed for a
hug or kiss
or being held
or just someone
saying “I love you.”
I longed for
someone to
rescue me.
No one knew
me. No one cared.
“Why?” I would cry.
As I was suffering
people hid and
pretended not to
know. Why!?
God watched
me with tears
and anger. I was
a child and didn't
need to be harmed.
I have moved 6 times. 4 people I
did not know. I was
scared, angry and every
feeling except happy ones.
Now I understand
I can do miracles.
I am proud to have
been abused. For I
know God has a
Special plan and
place for me. And I won't be normal.
A child can never
ever outgrow....
Written by MN 6-16-08

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